PR-PNPE-29. Pass Los Picayos, Picos de Europa This hiking route “Los Picayos” is within the Picos de Europa National Park, starting in “San Esteban” (Asturias), to end in “Tresviso ” (Cantabria). It has a slope of more than 700 meters with areas of considerable hardness and lasts approximately four hours at an easy pace and with small stops to get supplies. It is a demanding, beautiful route with history, as it was used by shepherds

Today from the via ferrata of “Los Llanos” in Camaleño, we can observe the snow that has fallen since Saturday on the summits of the Picos de Europa. It is the prelude to winter adventures: snowshoeing, rafting and canoe-rafting. It seems that we will start having fun a little earlier than expected since everything suggests that the snow will continue falling throughout the week. We estimate that at 1600 meters of altitude we can find

Ricardo F.G. 32 years old, experienced mountaineer from Potes (Cantabria) Where he made his passion a way of life, he plunged into the void while trying to complete Monte Perdido with two climbing companions who notified the GREIM at 1:30 p.m. yesterday, Wednesday. The three mountaineers were trying to cross the “La Escupidara” canal when Ricardo F.G. had the fatal accident. Upon the arrival of the GREIM helicopter, the doctor can only certify his death