Legal Conditions and Privacy Policy

Legal Information / Conditions of use, Privacy policy, Data Protection and Contract and Returns Policy:

Legal Data:

Jesus Madrazo de la Concha.

NIF 20189685 D.

C/ Siejo Nº 10, Peñamellera Baja, Asturias.

CP. 33579.

Access and navigation through and/or use of the services offered in this place implies that the user accepts the privacy and data protection policies, the legal notice and the conditions of use of this service. If you do not accept them, you must leave the site.

Data protection policy:

In accordance with Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD), we inform you that by completing the registration form of the website, your personal data will be incorporated and processed in the automated files of the company with legal data at the end of this page, from now on called “the company”, as managers of the site. The company has its files registered with the Spanish Data Protection Agency, complying with current Law.

The main purpose of said file is to maintain the web services of our users, facilitate contact with users, carry out internal statistical studies, maintain the site, as well as sending newsletters related to the products and new services provided by or the site administration company. We will only request those data that are necessary and essential for the provision of the required service and they will only be used for these purposes.

The company has adopted the legally required security levels for the protection of personal data, and has installed all the means and technical measures at its disposal to prevent loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and theft of the personal data provided. Despite this, the user must be aware that Internet security measures are not impregnable. The company thus ensures the confidentiality of the data provided and guarantees that, in no case, will it be transferred for any other use without prior and express consent of the users. However, it may disclose to the competent public authorities if required, personal data and any other information that is in its possession or is accessible through its systems in accordance with the legal and regulatory provisions applicable to the case.

The owner may exercise the rights recognized in the LOPD over this file and, in particular, those of access, rectification or cancellation of data and opposition, if applicable, as well as the of revocation of consent for the transfer of your data in the terms provided in the LOPD.

Users can access, cancel or rectify their personal data at any time by contacting us through our contact email office[at] or through postal mail at our registered office. You can modify your personal data by editing it in the user panel of the website.

Comments and votes voluntarily sent by users are not private personal data but public. They are related to the votes and comments of other users. The managers of may retain this data with the aim of maintaining the coherence of the information published and the submissions of all users of the site.

Privacy policy:

Our privacy policy describes how we collect, store or use the information we collect through the different services or pages available on this site. It is important that you understand what information we collect and how we use it since access to this site implies acceptance of our privacy policy.

– Cookies

Access to this may involve the use of cookies. Cookies are small amounts of information that are stored in the browser used by each user so that the server remembers certain information that it can later use. This information allows you to be identified as a specific user and allows you to save your personal preferences, as well as technical information such as visits or specific pages you visit. The companies that serve advertisements, or those that keep access statistics, may use cookies for statistical purposes. Users can delete them or prevent the sending of these cookies from their web browser options.

More information about Cookies is available at:

You have more information in our cookie policy – Web Beacons

This site may also host web beacons (also known as web bugs). Web beacons are typically small pixel-by-pixel images, visible or invisible, placed within the source code of a site’s web pages. Web beacons serve and are used in a similar way to cookies. In addition, web beacons are often used to measure the traffic of users who visit a web page and to be able to draw a pattern of the site’s users.

More information about web beacons is available at:

– Third Parties

In some cases, we share information about visitors to this site anonymously or in aggregate form with third parties such as advertisers, sponsors or auditors for the sole purpose of improving our services. All these processing tasks will be regulated according to legal regulations and all your rights regarding data protection will be respected in accordance with current regulations.

This site measures traffic with different solutions that may use cookies or web beacons to analyze what happens on our pages. We currently use the following solutions to measure traffic on this site. You can see more information about the privacy policy of each of the solutions used for this purpose:

Google (Analytics):

This site may also host its own advertising, affiliates, or advertising networks. This advertising is displayed through advertising servers that also use cookies to display related advertising content to users. Each of these advertising servers has its own privacy policy, which can be consulted on its own web pages.

This site currently hosts advertising for:

Google Adsense:

Our relationship with advertisers is as commission agents and we do not have access to buyer data. It is important that you review the advertiser’s privacy policy before providing them with your personal data.

Exclusion of guarantees and liability:

The managers of do not guarantee the legality, reliability, and usefulness of the contents.

The establishment of a hyperlink, link, exchange, does not imply in any case the existence of relations between the managers of and the owner of the website with which it is established , nor the acceptance and approval of its contents or services.

The managers of exclude all responsibility for the sites linked from this website and cannot control the appearance among them of Internet sites whose contents may be illicit, illegal, contrary to morality or good customs or inappropriate. The user, therefore, must exercise extreme caution in the assessment and use of the information, content and services existing on the linked sites.

The managers of exclude all responsibility for the comments and information published by users, third parties, and the users or third parties from whom they come will be responsible for the same.</p >

Terms of use:

The user will refrain from writing and sending defamatory, racist, obscene, pornographic, offensive comments that promote racial, ethnic, religious, homophobic or gender hatred, or explicit violence. or incitement to violence, that affect the privacy and/or rights of children or that violate any applicable law.

The user will refrain from using any of the services offered on for illicit purposes or effects, harmful to the rights and interests of third parties, or that may damage, disable, overload, deteriorate or prevent the normal use of the site services, computer equipment or documents, files and any content stored on or external servers linked from

The user will refrain from harassing, threatening and obtaining or disclosing private information of other users of the site.

The user will refrain from using the site with the objective of promoting a website, companies, blog networks, affiliation systems, etc. (spam) in comments.</ p>

The user will refrain from using the site to disturb other users of the site through obscene comments or that harm other users in any way.

Failure to comply with the conditions of use could mean blocking the user account, deleting and/or editing the offensive text, and taking appropriate measures and complaints according to Spanish and European laws.

In order to improve the service and minimize problems, reserves the right to modify and update the different privacy policies and conditions of use without prior notice.< /p>

Contractment and refund policy:

When you purchase an activity for a specific day and time you must wait for “Canoe Aventura Trophy” to contact you to confirm availability.

Once you have purchased an activity and having received or not received confirmation of availability from “Canoe Aventura Trophy”, you can request a refund</ strong> total of the money advanced as long as it is done effectively within 24 hours of the date of the activity. This return cancels the activity.

Once you have purchased an activity and having received or not received confirmation of availability from “Canoe Aventura Trophy”, you can request a time change or dateas long as it is done effectively before the last 24 hours of the date of the activity.

The lack of notification of the change of intention to carry out a contracted activity, prior to the last 24 hours of the indicated date will mean the non-refund of the amount paid.

As for the gift vouchers, the buyer will be responsible for activating the date for the activity to be carried out by a third party.

The Gift voucher will have a duration of six months and can be extended to another six consecutive months as long as it is communicated before the expiration date.

Expired gift vouchers are not entitled to any type of compensation.