Online Booking

Via Ferrata Llanos or Camaleño

Between “Fuente De” and “Potes” we find “Los Llanos” , a small cattle town in the Peaks of Europe. Los
2 h 30 m
The plains
Online Booking

Canyon Caving

This activity consists of moving along the course of a river while passing through a cave. Rivers form in mountains.
3 hours
Pruneda Cave, Purón
Online Booking

Navedo Ravine

Canyoning is the activity that perfectly combines the mountain and the water. Jumping into pools, slides and rappelling (rope descent)
2 h 30 m
Navedo, Navedo River, The Hermida
Online Booking


Caving consists of entering a cave, in order to discover the wonders that Mother Nature hides under the ground we
3 hours
Bores, Panes
Online Booking

Deva Canoes

Al navegar por el Deva descubrimos un mundo lleno de vida. Patos, garzas, cormoranes y el famoso Martin pescador entre
3 h 30 m
Deva River, Panes