PR-PNPE-29. Pass Los Picayos, Picos de Europa This hiking route “Los Picayos” is within the Picos de Europa National Park, starting in “San Esteban” (Asturias), to end in “Tresviso ” (Cantabria). It has a slope of more than 700 meters with areas of considerable hardness and lasts approximately four hours at an easy pace and with small stops to get supplies. It is a demanding, beautiful route with history, as it was used by shepherds

Jesters of Santiuste. The Jesters of Santiuste are the best show that the Cantabrian Sea can offer us on days when the wind blows strongly and the sea is rough. The water jets can reach 30 meters high, or even more. What is a Jester? – A jester is an inlet of water from a strong wave. This advances through a crack and in the cliffs that has a vertical exit to the outside, projecting